For terraform azuread v 3.0.1 azuread_application_app_role resource the role_id is both required and not auto generated. So, the plan or module must generate this id (which really seems so very wrong) - documentation for resource and version.
Therefore, I need to generate a random uuid which I do like so
role_idesource "random_uuid" "admin_role" {}
resource "random_uuid" "user_role" {}
resource "azuread_application" "app" {
display_name = var.app_name
identifier_uris = [local.app_identifier_uri]
resource "azuread_application_app_role" "admin_role" {
role_id = random_uuid.admin_role.result
application_id =
allowed_member_types = ["User"]
description = "Admins can manage ${var.app_name}"
display_name = "Admin-${var.app_name}"
value = "Admin-${var.app_name}"
resource "azuread_application_app_role" "user_role" {
role_id = random_uuid.user_role.result
application_id =
allowed_member_types = ["User"]
description = "User of ${var.app_name} application"
display_name = "User-${var.app_name}"
value = "User-${var.app_name}"
I have remote state setup for the back. Upon each init, plan, apply I get a new set of uuids resulting in what looks like drift for every plan. I want to make the UUID one time and store it so it can be used.
How can I do this? I've tried using null resource
This didn't work. I continued to see the same issue
resource "random_uuid" "example_administrator" {}
resource "null_resource" "initialize_uuid" {
triggers = {
uuid =
resource "azuread_application_app_role" "example" {
role_id = null_resource.initialize_uuid.triggers["uuid"]
I have yet to test this option
provider "time" {}
resource "time_static" "admin_role" {
triggers = {
# Any attribute here will generate the UUID only once
role = "admin"
resource "time_static" "user_role" {
triggers = {
# Any attribute here will generate the UUID only once
role = "user"
The keeper set to constant string ensures once and only once for uuid generation.
resource "random_uuid" "admin_role" {
keepers = {
# ensure that uuid is made one time only
const = "persistent-uuid"
resource "random_uuid" "user_role" {
keepers = {
# ensure that uuid is made one time only
const = "persistent-uuid"
resource "azuread_application" "app" {
display_name = var.app_name
identifier_uris = [local.app_identifier_uri]
resource "azuread_application_app_role" "admin_role" {
role_id =
application_id =
allowed_member_types = ["User"]
description = "Admins can manage ${var.app_name}"
display_name = "Admin-${var.app_name}"
value = "Admin-${var.app_name}"
resource "azuread_application_app_role" "user_role" {
role_id =
application_id =
allowed_member_types = ["User"]
description = "User of ${var.app_name} application"
display_name = "User-${var.app_name}"
value = "User-${var.app_name}"