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How to rename a Windows 10 machine using command line

I am tasked with renaming a couple of customers machines with new names. I would like to do it without interrupting the customers. We use DATTO remote system and can start a CMD prompt with the machine with admin privilege's without disturbing the user. The command I tried is below:

wmic ComputerSystem where "name='%ComputerName%'" call rename VS-R-REM-02
Invalid verb switch

I am getting this invalid verb switch error, anyone know how to fix? I don't think I have access to powershell without remoting in, just CMD.



  • Three years seven months later, i have this exact issue and can't use powershell: this worked for me on windows 10 machines:

    Wmic ComputerSystem where Caption="%ComputerName%" rename "mynewname"

    "%computername%" means current computer name (has to be surrounded with double quotes)

    "mynewname" this is will be your new computer name. (Also needs double quotes).

    Thought i share this , might be useful to someone.