I have a ResourceDictionary that has two DataTemplates. Each template has a stackpanel with an object.
In my code behind based on a conditionm I get from elsewhere, I want to embed one of those stackpanel's into a placeholder grid. Seems easy enough except I have an ItemClick event that demands a x:class or something.
<ResourceDictionary .....>
<DataTemplate x:Key="A">
..Tab control with certain tabs with a button with a click event
<DataTemplate x:Key="B">
..Tab control with with certain button with a click event
//in MainWindow.cs
<ResourceDictionary Source ="/toggle.xaml"
<Grid x:Name="myGrid" />
//in my MainWindow.xaml.cs code behind
var dictionary = (ResourceDictionary)Application.LoadComponent("/toggle.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
String key = "A";
if (certainConditionExists)
key = "B";
var template = (DataTemplate)dictionary[key];
var panel = (StackPanel)template.Resources[key];
Error: 'ResourceDictionary' root element requires a x:Class attribute to support event handlers in the XAML file
Actually I was doing way more than I had too. I realized all I had to do was collapse the tab header in one case and display them in another. So I didn't even need two DataTemplates or a datatemplate selector. Just need one Window with a tab control and and a way to collapse the tab headers if needed.