I have an AdjacencyGraph<string, Edge<string>>
which I would like to run AlgorithmExtensions.ShortestPathsDijkstra
on, but the QuickGraph documentation isn't the best.
Does anyone have an example I can follow?
Everything I found on Google used an observer, which the AlgorithmExtension
doesn't require.
I've updated the docs but in a nutshell, you need a graph, a edge weight map (as a delegate) and a root vertex. The AlgorithmExtensions method returns a 'TryFunc' that you can query to fetch shortest paths.
using QuickGraph;
using QuickGraph.Algorithms;
IVertexAndEdgeListGraph<TVertex, TEdge> graph = ...;
Func<TEdge, double> edgeCost = e => 1; // constant cost
TVertex root = ...;
// compute shortest paths
TryFunc<TVertex, TEdge> tryGetPaths = graph.ShortestPathDijkstra(edgeCost, root);
// query path for given vertices
TVertex target = ...;
IEnumerable<TEdge> path;
if (tryGetPaths(target, out path))
foreach(var edge in path)