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how to get iPhone or iPad browser/firmware version in fullscreen mode

I need to know if -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; overflow: scroll; is available for my webapp, otherwise I get that feature with iScroll.

I'm checking with mootools if the native scrolling overflow is implemented in this way

if(Browser.version < 5.1) console.log('fix it with iScroll')
else console.log('the native scrolling is available');

The problem: if I save the webapp to the springboard, in fullscreen mode Browser.version or gives me '0' or 'unknown'.

if(Browser.version < 5.1 || Browser.version == 0) console.log('fix it with iScroll')
else console.log('the native scrolling is available');

The solution above works perfectly, but I don't want to always use iScroll in fullscreen mode on iOS5, because it's not smooth as the native scroll.

How can I know the version of the firmware or if the native scrolling is available in fullscreen mode?


  • Seems that something is broken with mootools 1.4.0. To be sure if you're running ios5 (browser or fullscreen mode):

    (/CPU OS 5_0/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? console.log('iOS5') : console.log('not iOS5');