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Highcharts Gantt fixed width of the left axis as a table column

I use Highcharts (Gantt module) to generate a Gantt Resources Management chart with a left axis as a table. It works very well but, for a specific alignement reason with other charts, I need to fix the width of this left axis column (with a larger width than the longest label inside). How can I achieve that ?

I tried a width: 250, setting in the Y-axis or in the gridColumns/label settings but it doesn't change anything.

An example of chart can be viewed here : In this sample, I'de like the "resource" columns to have a fixed width of 250 pixels (for instance).


  • There is no direct way to set the column's width. Reported feature request:

    However, the width of the column is adjusted to its content, so you can increase an individual label's width. For example:

    labels: {
      useHTML: true,
      formatter: function () {
        if (this.value === "Group A") {
          return `<div style="width: 250px;">${this.value}</div>`;
        return this.value;

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