Search code examples

Database Select Not working as expected in Mule

I am using Database select connector in anypoint studio. This is the query I am using SELECT emp_id, emp_name, emp_status FROM employees. Now there is no error but the response I receive is something like this (converted to json):

        "EMP_ID": 2345336,
        "EMP_NAME": "Dhananjay Pareek",
        "EMP_STATUS": "Inactive"
        "EMP_ID": 101,
        "EMP_NAME": "emp1",
        "EMP_STATUS": "active"
        "EMP_ID": 122365,
        "EMP_NAME": "Aram",
        "EMP_STATUS": "Active"
        "EMP_ID": 6666,
        "EMP_NAME": "Rakim",
        "EMP_STATUS": "Inactive"
        "EMP_ID": 667676,
        "EMP_NAME": "Kendrick",
        "EMP_STATUS": "Active"
        "EMP_ID": 7778,
        "EMP_NAME": "Biggie",
        "EMP_STATUS": "Inactive"
        "EMP_ID": 102,
        "EMP_NAME": "emp2",
        "EMP_STATUS": "inactive"
        "EMP_ID": 103,
        "EMP_NAME": "emp3",
        "EMP_STATUS": "active"
        "EMP_ID": 104,
        "EMP_NAME": "emp4",
        "EMP_STATUS": "inactive"
        "EMP_ID": 105,
        "EMP_NAME": "emp5",
        "EMP_STATUS": "active"
        "EMP_ID": 106,
        "EMP_NAME": "emp6",
        "EMP_STATUS": "active"
        "EMP_ID": 1012,
        "EMP_NAME": "Drake",
        "EMP_STATUS": "Active"
        "EMP_ID": 3245,
        "EMP_NAME": "Kendrick Lamar",
        "EMP_STATUS": "Inactive"
        "EMP_ID": 5897,
        "EMP_NAME": "J. Cole",
        "EMP_STATUS": "Active"
        "EMP_ID": 1123,
        "EMP_NAME": "Cardi B",
        "EMP_STATUS": "Active"
        "EMP_ID": 7458,
        "EMP_NAME": "Lil Wayne",
        "EMP_STATUS": "Inactive"
        "EMP_ID": null,
        "EMP_NAME": null,
        "EMP_STATUS": null
        "EMP_ID": null,
        "EMP_NAME": null,
        "EMP_STATUS": null
        "EMP_ID": null,
        "EMP_NAME": null,
        "EMP_STATUS": null
        "EMP_ID": null,
        "EMP_NAME": null,
        "EMP_STATUS": null
        "EMP_ID": null,
        "EMP_NAME": null,
        "EMP_STATUS": null
        "EMP_ID": null,
        "EMP_NAME": null,
        "EMP_STATUS": null
        "EMP_ID": null,
        "EMP_NAME": null,
        "EMP_STATUS": null
        "EMP_ID": null,
        "EMP_NAME": null,
        "EMP_STATUS": null
        "EMP_ID": null,
        "EMP_NAME": null,
        "EMP_STATUS": null
        "EMP_ID": null,
        "EMP_NAME": null,
        "EMP_STATUS": null

I am using Oracle database. 26 records are returned while I only have 16 records in the database. There are 10 extra records all with null field values as you can see above. I also debugged some projects that I made previously and the select connector in these projects is also behaving like this (all were working fine before). I tried using different versions of Database module, different jdbc drivers along with jdk8 and jdk 17 but nothing seems to work. I previously faced issues related to driver/version configurations, but this one just isn't letting me off the hook.

What could be the possible issue here?


  • What could be the possible issue here?

    The issue is probably that you have 26 rows in the database and 10 of them contain NULL values.

    In Oracle, run:

    SELECT *
    FROM   employees
    WHERE  emp_id IS NULL
    AND    emp_name IS NULL
    AND    emp_status IS NULL

    It should return 10 rows with NULL values for those columns.

    If you do not want those 10 rows then use:

    DELETE FROM employees
    WHERE  emp_id IS NULL
    AND    emp_name IS NULL
    AND    emp_status IS NULL

    then COMMIT the changes.

    If you should always have non-null values in those columns then:

    ALTER TABLE employees MODIFY (
      emp_id     NUMBER(10,0)  NOT NULL,
      emp_name   VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL,
      emp_status VARCHAR2(10)  NOT NULL

    Note: Modify the data-types as appropriate.
