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Deploying to azure agent virtual machine - yml question

I'm struggling to create YML file which will simply copy build artifacts (of my ASP.NET MVC app) to c:/samplefolder on my virtual machine (Azure Agent). Can anyone help me with that please?

Everywhere I have searched there was some "pool" and "pool-name" needed, but I don't have any pool:

Azure settings

Or there were some examples with stages, tasks, but I cannot use them since it's one YML file.


  • Based on the limited information that we could see form the screenshot, your VM was added into a pipeline environment as a VM resource, which should be referenced by the environment properties of deployment jobs in a YAML pipeline rather than referenced by any pool name, though it did generate a new deployment pool with the corresponding environment id.

    enter image description here

    Assuming your YAML pipeline was building your app on a Microsoft-hosted windows-latest agent and had been publishing pipeline artifacts (drop in my case), you may use a deployment job in downstream stage (CD) to scale out deployment onto all those VMs with web and app tags. All available artifacts from the current pipeline (downloaded to $(Pipeline.Workspace)/<artifact name>) and from the associated pipeline resources are automatically downloaded in deployment jobs and made available for your deployment. Please take a look at the - deployment: DeployToMyVM job in the sample YAML pipeline definition below.

    - stage: CI
      - job: Build
          vmImage: windows-latest
        displayName: Build App
          BuildPlatform: 'any cpu'
          BuildConfiguration: 'release'
        - powershell: |
           Write-Host "Just to represent the steps to build your .NET framework app, even though the steps were irrelevant to the query in this post" 
        - publish: $(PathToTheArtifactsFileThatWasBuilt)
          artifact: drop
    - stage: CD
      - deployment: DeployToMyVM
          name: MyVm
          tags: app,web
          resourceType: virtualMachine
              - powershell: |
                  tree $(Pipeline.Workspace) /f /a
              - task: CopyFiles@2
                  SourceFolder: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/drop'
                  Contents: '**'
                  TargetFolder: 'C:\samplefolder'
                  CleanTargetFolder: true

    enter image description here

    See more details in the following documents.

    Create and target environments - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Learn

    Deployment jobs - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Learn

    Automatic download in deployment jobs