I am trying to customize my CustomTkinter
app using two things:
The custom style is defined as a class which takes an argument to select some colors or some other colors:
class Style():
def __init__(self, selected_style):
match selected_style:
case "style1":
self.colors = ["#3d3d3d", "#5c5c5c"]
case "style2":
self.colors = ["#c6c6c6", "#ececec"]
The custom widgets then inherit the style. A button widget is in example:
from customtkinter import CTkButton
class MyButton(CTkButton, Style):
def __init__(self, master, style, text):
Style.__init__(self, style)
CTkButton.__init__(self, master, text=text, fg_color=self.colours[1])
self.grid(sticky="WE", padx=8, pady=8)
Why I coded it this way?
settings).What is the problem?
When instantiating a widget, the style argument ("style1" or "style2") needs to be passed. It is defined when the app is launched and I then need to transmit it through the whole app to each widget.
How can I avoid passing the style argument through the whole app?
I understand that I might need to restructure my code significantly...
One convenient way is to use a class variable. Call it default_style
class Style:
default_style = 'style1'
def __init__(self, selected_style=None):
if selected_style is None:
self.selected_style = self.default_style
self.selected_style = selected_style
match self.selected_style:
case "style1":
self.colors = ["#3d3d3d", "#5c5c5c"]
case "style2":
self.colors = ["#c6c6c6", "#ececec"]
If you set default_style at the beginning of the program with a line like this:
Style.default_style = 'style2'
that style will be used throughout the program.
If you want to override the style for only a single class of widget, pass a non-None argument to the Style constructor:
class MySpecialButton(CTkButton, Style):
def __init__(self, master, text):
Style.__init__(self, 'style2')
CTkButton.__init__(self, master, text=text, fg_color=self.colours[1])
self.grid(sticky="WE", padx=8, pady=8)
otherwise just do this:
class MyButton(CTkButton, Style):
def __init__(self, master, text):
CTkButton.__init__(self, master, text=text, fg_color=self.colours[1])
self.grid(sticky="WE", padx=8, pady=8)