I have a library that allows you to inject a base-href value for your specific app so that the lib's assets (which you're hosting as an npm dependency in your app) can be accessed without a proxy. This works in most cases, except I can't figure out how to use that injected value in CSS to do this:
$fonts: '#{<injected base path here>}/fonts';
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 300;
src: local('Roboto Light'), local('Roboto-Light'),
url('#{$fonts}/roboto-v18-greek-ext_cyrillic-ext_latin-ext-300.woff2') format('woff2'),
url('#{$fonts}/roboto-v18-greek-ext_cyrillic-ext_latin-ext-300.woff') format('woff');
The problem is the URL needs to resolve at build time, so this code won't compile.
2 notes:
I'm using Angular with injection tokens.
In my case, in the scss file, I tried $fonts: '#{var(--asset-base-path)}/fonts';
and in the component.ts file, I tried:
@HostBinding('style.--asset-base-path') assetBasePath = '';
constructor(@Inject(LIB_ASSET_BASE_PATH) path: string) {
this.assetBasePath = path
No, This can not be done by DI. DI(Depedency Injection) is a run-time behavior, when Angular initiate a component after application runs, the DI system will create and injecting the depedencies for that component.
CSS Preprocessor such as Sass/Scss/Less will be compiled to pure css files (Since browser only accepts css, not Sass/Scss/Less) and all variables in style files must be evaluated after build. which means you css code has no dynamic behavior at run-time.
The only way to achive your requirement is to use JavaScript to operate styles and set the font path at run-time.
EDIT by OP: See comments and Is it possible to dynamically change font to a custom typeface with javascript?