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Polars dataframe: how to efficiently aggregate over many non-disjoint groups

I have a dataframe with columns x, y, c_1, c2, ..., c_K, where K is somewhat large (K ≈ 1000 or 2000).

Each of the columns c_i is boolean column, and I'd like to compute an aggregation f(x, y) over rows where where c_i is True. (For example, f(x,y) = x.sum() * y.sum().)

One way to do this is:[
    f(pl.col("x").filter(pl.col(f"c_{i+1}"), pl.col("y").filter(pl.col(f"c_{i+1}"))
    for i in range(K)

In my problem, the number K is large, and the above query seems somewhat inefficient (filtering is done twice).

  • What is the recommended/most efficient/most elegant way of accomplishing this?


Here is a runnable example (code at bottom), as well as some timings corresponding to @Hericks's answer below. TLDR: Method 1 as proposed is the current best.

Wall time
1 repeated filters 409ms
2 pl.concat 29.6s (≈70x slower)
2* pl.concat, lazy 1.27s (3x slower)
3 unpivot with agg 1min 17s
3* unpivot with agg, lazy 1min 17s (same as 3)
import polars as pl
import polars.selectors as cs
import numpy as np
rng = np.random.default_rng()

def f(x,y):
    return x.sum() * y.sum()

N = 2_000_000
K = 1000
dat = dict()
dat["x"] = np.random.randn(N)
dat["y"] = np.random.randn(N)
for i in range(K):
    dat[f"c_{i+1}"] = rng.choice(2, N).astype(np.bool_)

tmpds = pl.DataFrame(dat)

## Method 1[
    .alias(f"f_{i+1}") for i in range(K)

## Method 2
    tmpds.filter(pl.col(f"c_{i+1}")).select(f(pl.col("x"), pl.col("y")).alias(f"f_{i+1}"))
    for i in range(K)
], how="horizontal")

## Method 2*
    tmpds.lazy().filter(pl.col(f"c_{i+1}")).select(f(pl.col("x"), pl.col("y")).alias(f"f_{i+1}")).collect()
    for i in range(K)
], how="horizontal")

## Method 3
    .unpivot(on=cs.starts_with("c"), index=["x", "y"])
        f(pl.col("x"), pl.col("y"))

##Method 3*
    .unpivot(on=cs.starts_with("c"), index=["x", "y"])
    .group_by("variable", maintain_order=True)
        f(pl.col("x"), pl.col("y"))


  • In general, I would not think that multiple filters are inefficient in polars. To verify this, I benchmarked three different approaches:

    1. Generator of expressions with 2 filters

    This approach was proposed in the question.
            * pl.col("y").filter(f"c_{i+1}").sum()
        for i in range(K)

    2. Concatenating dataframes created using single filter

    This approach was proposed by @roman. Again, a python generator is used to create the dataframes.

                .select((pl.col("x").sum() * pl.col("y").sum()).alias(f"c_{i+1}"))
            for i in range(K)

    3. Unpivot + single filter + group by / agg

    I thought this approach was nice as it doesn't rely on standard python generator expressions and doesn't use f-strings to create column names.

    import polars.selectors as cs
        .unpivot(on=cs.starts_with("c"), index=["x", "y"])
        .group_by("variable", maintain_order=True)
            pl.col("x").sum() * pl.col("y").sum()

    The results for f(x, y) = x.sum() * y.sum() on a dataframe with n = 5000 rows and K = 1000 c_i-columns` are as follows. The results confirm the initial impression.

    1 repeated filters 16.7ms
    2 pl.concat 4150ms
    3 unpivot with agg 40.9ms