I have some FastAPI application code:
engine = create_async_engine(settings.DB.async_dns, **settings.DB.OPTIONS)
Session = async_sessionmaker(bind=engine, expire_on_commit=False)
metadata = MetaData()
async def get_session():
session = Session()
yield session
await session.commit()
except Exception as e:
await session.rollback()
raise e
await session.close()
async def get_active_ttz(session, ttz_id: int):
stmt = select(Ttz).where(Ttz.id == ttz_id)
return await session.scalar(stmt)
async def create_file(session, **values):
instance = TtzFile(**values)
await session.flush()
return instance
async def create_ttz_file(ttz_id: PositiveInt, data: TtzFileCreateDataSchema, session: AsyncSession = Depends(get_session)):
ttz = await get_active_ttz(session, ttz_id)
ttz_file = await create_file(session, ttz=ttz, **data.model_dump())
return ttz_file
and some Pytest test:
async def session(database, mocker: MockerFixture) -> AsyncGenerator[AsyncSession, None]:
connection = await engine.connect()
transaction = await connection.begin()
session = AsyncSession(bind=connection, expire_on_commit=False, join_transaction_mode="create_savepoint")
mocker.patch("sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.session.async_sessionmaker.__call__", return_value=session)
yield session
await session.close()
await transaction.rollback()
await connection.close()
async def test(session: AsyncSession, client: AsyncClient):
ttz = Ttz(name="TTZ", start_date=today())
await session.commit()
url = app.url_path_for("create_ttz_file", ttz_id=ttz.id)
ttz_file_create_payload = fake_ttz_file_create_payload()
await client.post(url, json=encode_json_payload(ttz_file_create_payload))
await session.refresh(ttz, attribute_names=["files"])
I faced the next problem. When I make request via client.post get_session
dependency works. When it work session is being closed and because of it the code await session.refresh(ttz, attribute_names=["files"])
fails with error:
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Instance '<Ttz at 0x1142ac9d0>' is not persistent within this Session
I guess to make it work should I somehow add ttz
instance into session? If so how can I do this? Or maybe there is another way to fix the problem?
Upd. If to run ttz = await session.merge(ttz)
then it works. But why this happens if session
is not actually committed if it is bounded to external transaction?
Need to make merge
ttz = await session.merge(ttz)
await session.refresh(ttz, attribute_names=["files"])