The formula below returns True ("Issue") when only the first condition is True (COUNTIF(Table1[Boss ID]) when it should return false as the other conditions in the rest of the formula are false.
Not sure if the * is working correctly in this formula and if maybe an AND function should be used.
This formula is applied on an online Excel document.
=IF(COUNTIF(Table1[Boss ID], A13)*OR(COUNTIF(Table1[Result],"Sample haemolysed."),COUNTIF(Table1[Result],"Insufficient Sample"),COUNTIF(Table1[Result],"Sample Insufficient."),COUNTIF(Table1[Result],"Sample Insufficient for FBC.")),"Issue", "No Issue")
I would "outsource" the results that create an issue. Then you can use this formula:
filterResults,FILTER(Tabelle1[Result],Tabelle1[Boss ID]=BossID),
"Issues","no Issue"