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Convert vertical data to horizontal and vice versa in PowerBI

I have a table like this in power bi:

Channel Month Regular Amount Single Amount
A January 123.1 111.1
B January 345.3 222.2
B February 678.6 333.3

I need to convert the Month as column and the column Regular Amount & Single Amount as row like this:

Channel Type January February
A Regular Amount 123.1 0
A Single Amount 111.1 0
B Regular Amount 345.3 678.6
B Single Amount 222.2 333.3

Can someone assist?


  • These transformation should be done in Power Query with the following steps:

    1. Unpivot the Regular Amount and Single Amount columns
    2. Rename columns
    3. Pivot the Month column
    4. Replace null values with 0
        // Load your data source here
        Source = ... ,
        // Unpivot Regular Amount and Single Amount columns
        Unpivoted = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(Source, {"Channel", "Month"}, "Type", "Value"),
        // Pivot the Month column
        Pivoted = Table.Pivot(Unpivoted, List.Distinct(Unpivoted[Month]), "Month", "Value", List.Sum),
        // Replace nulls with 0
        ReplacedNulls = Table.ReplaceValue(Pivoted, null, 0, Replacer.ReplaceValue, List.Skip(Table.ColumnNames(Pivoted), 2)) // Skipping Channel and Type columns