I've a Gtk.Box.
Inside the Gtk.Box I've three times Gtk.Frame.
Gtk.ScrolledWindow is within one Gtk.Frame.
In the Gtk.ScrolledWindow is a TreeView.
It looks like this:
`box = Gtk.Box(spacing=3)
self.box = box
# Create two frames
frame1 = Gtk.Frame()
frame2 = Gtk.Frame()
frame3 = Gtk.Frame()
view = Gtk.TreeView(model=listmodel)
scrolledwindow = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
So, why there is nothing shown in the first frame, if I start the app? It only show the frame but not the contents (the Treeview ist filled with a model and values, which are not in my example here).
Don't know how to solve it :-(
It looks like you don't add the frames to the box.
Also frames 2 and 3 seem to be empty.