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Performance tuning of Update statement in ORACLE

I have this code, and it is taking 8 to 9 hours for 450k rows of data to complete. How to improve performance in that case? tab_a has 10M of data.


cursor cur_dup is
Select col_a,col_b,count(1) from tab_a group by col_a,col_b having count(1) > 1;
  for cur_dup_rec in cur_dup loop
    update tab_a
    set qty = 0
    where col_a = cur_dup_rec.col_a and col_b = cur_dup_rec.col_b
    and trunc(u_created_date) <> (Select max(trunc(u_created_date)) from tab_a 
                                   where col_a = cur_dup_rec.col_a and col_b = cur_dup_rec.col_b);
    update tab_a
       set (u_modified_date) = trunc(sysdate)
     where col_a = cur_dup_rec.col_a and col_b = cur_dup_rec.col_b;
     for cur_dup2_rec in (Select distinct item,customer,location,requested_date 
                            from tab_a 
                           where col_a = cur_dup_rec.col_a and col_b = cur_dup_rec.col_b) loop
           update tab_a
            set (u_modified_date) = trunc(sysdate)
            where item = cur_dup2_rec.item and customer = cur_dup2_rec.customer and location = cur_dup2_rec.location
            and to_char(requested_date,'DD-MON-YYYY') = cur_dup2_rec.requested_date;
     end loop;
  end loop;


  • Stop using loops and use a single SQL statement.

    For the first two UPDATEs you can use something like (untested because we do not have the CREATE TABLE or INSERT statements for your sample data):

    MERGE INTO tab_a dst
    USING (
      SELECT COUNT(1) OVER (PARTITION BY col_a, colb) AS cnt,
             MAX(u_created_date) OVER (PARTITION BY col_a, colb) AS max_u_created_date
      FROM   tab_a
    ) src
    ON (dst.ROWID = src.ROWID AND src.cnt > 1)
      SET u_modified_date = TRUNC(SYSDATE),
          qty             = CASE
                            WHEN TRUNC(dst.u_modified_date) = TRUNC(src.max_u_created_date)
                            THEN dst.qty
                            ELSE 0

    I'm unsure what you are trying to achieve with the final UPDATE in the nested loop but you almost certainly don't want to use nested loops and want to convert it to an SQL statement.