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I am trying to figure out how to incorporate a date range restriction while using the MIN function in SQL

I have a list of order dates for various vendors on specific items. I want to be able to pull the MIN orderdate but also have the min order date be within a specific date range (i.e. first day of last month thru end of next month).


Item Vendor Order Date Notes
1 ABC 1/1/2020 <-MIN ORDERDATE for item and vendor
1 ABC 4/6/2022
1 ABC 6/6/2023
1 ABC 6/6/2024
1 ABC 8/8/2024
1 ABC 8/20/2024
1 DEF 8/4/2024
1 DEF 9/1/2024
1 DEF 9/14/2024
1 DEF 9/20/2024
1 DEF 10/9/2024
1 DEF 12/12/2024
2 ABC 11/11/2021 <=MIN ORDERDATE for item and vendor
2 ABC 3/3/2023
2 ABC 10/10/2023
2 ABC 8/1/2024
2 DEF 8/2/2024 <-MIN ORDERDATE for item and vendor
2 DEF 8/7/2024
2 DEF 9/4/2024
2 DEF 10/1/2024

I want the query, that is using the date range of (8/1/2024-10/30/2024), to produce the folllowing results below. Even thouhgh there are orderdates that fall within the range, i dont want them included in the results unless the minimum order dates for that vendor and item fall with the date range).

Item Vendor Earliest Order
1 DEF 8/4/2024
2 DEF 8/2/2024
SELECT ITEM, VENDOR, MIN(ORDERDATE::timestamp) AS "Earliest Order"
ORDERDATE between date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) - interval '1 month' and  date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) + interval '2 month' -interval '1 day'
Group by 1,2


  • Filter by min(orderdate).

    where filters row-by-row and does not allow aggregate functions, use having instead. having filters on the grouped (aggregated) data.

      min(orderdate) AS "Earliest Order"
    from orders
    group by 1, 2
    having min(orderdate) between
      date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) - interval '1 month' and
      date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) + interval '2 month' - interval '1 day';