I'm trying to model a simple pendulum using Runge-Kutta methods in python, and the period should be 2 seconds. Not only that, my values for angular velocity and angular displacement are also incorrect. I'm not sure what my mistake is in my code.
This is the code I tried - v1 is the velocity step, and t1 is the angular displacement step.
g = 9.81
pi = math.pi
l = g/pi
t0 = 0
t = t0
t_list = [t0]
v0 = 0
v = v0
v_list = [v0]
theta0 = 0.1
theta = theta0
theta_list = [theta0]
dt = 0.02
tfinal = 20
def theta2(t, v, theta):
return -(g/l)*math.sin(theta)
def theta1(t, v, theta):
return v
while t <= tfinal:
if t == 0:
v1 = ((dt)/2)*theta2(t, v, theta)
v1 = theta1(t-(dt)/2, v, theta) + (dt)*theta2(t, v, theta)
t1 = theta + (dt)*v1
v = v1
theta = t1
t = t + dt
t_list.append(round(t, 2))
ax = plt.plot(t_list, theta_list)
ax = plt.xlabel('time')
ax = plt.ylabel('theta')
#ax = plt.xlim(0,3.5)
ax = plt.show()
You have a few issues. One of the main reasons is you used an incorrect length for the pendulum.
To get the pendulum length you need to solve for:
T = 2 * pi * sqrt(l/g) ==> l=g/pi^2
Its also been awhile since I took a class in numerical dynamical systems but this does not look like Runge-Kutta
so i coded the 4th order Runge-Kutta
method. This seemed to provide the correct results.
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Constants
g = 9.81
pi = math.pi
l = g / (pi ** 2) # Corrected length for a period of 2 seconds
# Initial conditions
t0 = 0
v0 = 0
theta0 = 0.1 # radians
dt = 0.02
tfinal = 20
# Initialize variables
t = t0
v = v0
theta = theta0
# Initialize lists to store data
t_list = [t0]
v_list = [v0]
theta_list = [theta0]
# Define derivative functions
def theta_dot(t, theta, v):
return v
def v_dot(t, theta, v):
return - (g / l) * math.sin(theta)
# Runge-Kutta 4th order method
while t <= tfinal:
# Compute k1
k1_theta = dt * theta_dot(t, theta, v)
k1_v = dt * v_dot(t, theta, v)
# Compute k2
k2_theta = dt * theta_dot(t + dt/2, theta + k1_theta/2, v + k1_v/2)
k2_v = dt * v_dot(t + dt/2, theta + k1_theta/2, v + k1_v/2)
# Compute k3
k3_theta = dt * theta_dot(t + dt/2, theta + k2_theta/2, v + k2_v/2)
k3_v = dt * v_dot(t + dt/2, theta + k2_theta/2, v + k2_v/2)
# Compute k4
k4_theta = dt * theta_dot(t + dt, theta + k3_theta, v + k3_v)
k4_v = dt * v_dot(t + dt, theta + k3_theta, v + k3_v)
# Update theta and v
theta += (k1_theta + 2*k2_theta + 2*k3_theta + k4_theta) / 6
v += (k1_v + 2*k2_v + 2*k3_v + k4_v) / 6
# Update time
t += dt
# Append data to lists
# Plotting after simulation
plt.plot(t_list, theta_list)
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Theta (rad)')
plt.title('Simple Pendulum Motion')