when i move cursor on function or variable in project and run :GoDef
command nothing happen.
project have 37000 lines code. this problem dos not exist in every project directory!
move cursor on dto.PaginationRequest
and run :GoDef
expecting move cursor to deffinition of PaginationRequest
but nothing happen when run :GoDef
package controller
func (c *sessionController) GetAllSession(ctx *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PaginationRequest
if err := ctx.ShouldBind(&req); err != nil {
res := utils.BuildResponseFailed(dto.MESSAGE_FAILED_GET_DATA_FROM_BODY, err.Error(), nil)
ctx.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, res)
deffination of PaginationRequest
package dto
type PaginationRequest struct {
Page int `json:"page" form:"page" binding:"-"`
Search string `json:"search" form:"search" binding:"-"`
PerPage int `json:"per_page" form:"per_page" binding:"-"`
project directories:
├── Dockerfile
├── controller
│ ├── coupon-controller.go
│ └── session-controller.go
├── dto
│ ├── coupon-dto.go
│ ├── pagination.go
│ └── session-dto.go
└── main.go
I just updated gopls
with the following command and fix that :)
go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest