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How to Pre-fill WooCommerce Product Descriptions Based on ACF Field Selection?

I'm trying to dynamically pre-fill the product description and short description in WooCommerce based on a custom ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) select field. The field allows the user to choose between two options: "Truck" and "Construction Machine." Depending on the selection, I want to populate the product descriptions with specific content.

ACF Field Setup

I created a select field in ACF named machine_type with the following options:

  1. Truck
  2. Construction Machine

Showing ACF field group

Current Code

I've successfully pre-filled the product descriptions for new products using this code:

function prefill_product_description_new() {
    global $post;

    // Only add pre-filled content for new products
    if ($post->post_type == 'product' && $post->post_status == 'auto-draft') {
        <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                // Check if the product description is empty and pre-fill it
                if ($('#content').val() === '') {
                    $('#content').val('<p>This is a default product description for new products.</p>');
                // Check if the short description is empty and pre-fill it
                if ($('#excerpt').val() === '') {
                    $('#excerpt').val('This is a default short product description.');
add_action('woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data', 'prefill_product_description_new');

Desired Functionality

I want to modify the post_content and post_excerpt based on the selected machine_type when a new product is created. Here's my attempted code:

function prefill_product_description_script() {
    global $post;

    // Make sure this only runs on the product editor screen
    if ( $post->post_type == 'product' ) {
        <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                // Set default content if the description is empty
                if ($('#content').val() === '') {
                    $('#content').val('<p>This is a default product description for new products.</p>');

                // Listen for the change in the machine type dropdown
                $('#acf-field_66e994151813').on('change', function() {
                    var machineType = $(this).val(); // Get the selected machine type

                    // Check if machine type value is logged correctly
                    if (machineType === 'Truck') {
                        $('#content').val('<p><strong>Truck Description Template</strong></p><table>...</table>');
                    } else if (machineType === 'Construction Machine') {
                        $('#content').val('<p><strong>Construction Machine Description Template</strong></p><table>...</table>');
add_action('admin_footer', 'prefill_product_description_script');


The description is not being pre-filled based on the selected ACF field. It seems like the script may not be properly retrieving the value from the dropdown or executing at the right time.


How can I ensure that the selected value from the ACF field is properly used to pre-fill the product descriptions?


  • Key Adjustments I Made

    1. Removed the ACF Dependency:

    I originally wanted to use the ACF dropdown to populate the WYSIWYG fields, but instead, I opted to remove the ACF dependency entirely. I replaced it with a simple popup that appears when the user clicks "Add New Product." This popup prompts the user to enter whether they are adding a truck or construction_machine and then auto-populates the fields based on the selection.

    Original ACF-based code:

    const fieldSel  = '#acf-field_66e994151813'; // ACF field selector

    Changes I Made

    1. Implemented a Popup Instead of ACF:
      I introduced a popup that asks for the machine type and uses this input to fill the product description and tick the appropriate categories.

    Here’s the modified code that worked for me:

    add_action('admin_footer', 'machine_type_popup');
    function machine_type_popup() {
        global $pagenow, $typenow;
        // Only run the script on the new product page
        if ($pagenow == 'post-new.php' && $typenow == 'product') {
            <script type="text/javascript">
                jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                    // Show a prompt when the Add New Product page loads
                    var machineType = prompt("What type of machine will you be uploading? Enter 'truck' or 'construction_machine'.");
                    if (machineType == 'truck') {
                        // Set the description for trucks
                        $('#content').val('<p><strong>Truck Description Template</strong></p><table>...</table>');
                        // Automatically tick the Truck category
                        $('#in-product_cat-22').prop('checked', true);
                    } else if (machineType == 'construction_machine') {
                        // Set the description for construction machines
                        $('#content').val('<p><strong>Construction Machine Description Template</strong></p><table>...</table>');
                        // Automatically tick the Construction Machine category
                        $('#in-product_cat-21').prop('checked', true);
                    } else {
                        // Default template if an unknown type is entered
                        $('#content').val('<p>This is a default product description for new products.</p>');
    1. Category Auto-Selection:
      The categories Truck and Construction Machine get automatically selected based on the user's input in the popup. I made sure to link the category IDs (#in-product_cat-22 for Truck and #in-product_cat-21 for Construction Machine) directly to the script.

    Final Outcome:

    With this implementation:

    • A popup appears when adding a new product, asking for the machine type.
    • Based on the input, both the description fields and the appropriate product categories are auto-filled.
    • The process is streamlined without needing ACF anymore.