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Why would SciPy stats.percentileofscore return an array instead of a scaler beginning with version 1.9?

I inherited an older Python install and ran development on it. I felt it was a reasonable time to bring the dev environment up to date. I am encountering a behavior change on my stats.percentileofscore call that I've narrowed down to a SciPy version change between 1.8.1 and 1.9.

In 1.8.1 I get a single value returned with the percentile rating from the query value. Beginning with 1.9, I'm getting what I think is an array returned. The query value is read in as a string from a text file while the database values are numeric.

Version 1.8.1 output. The "good" values are the long decimal numbers:

101100,PITTSBURG LANDING,090824,13,N,16Y4A ,,60,30,5,7,8,9,-999,-100,58,9,73,-999,59,42,,V ,640,0,0,0,0
101100,PITTSBURG LANDING,090824,13,N,16Y4A ,,60,30,5,7,8,9,-999,-100,58,9,73,-999,59,42,,V ,640,0,0,0,0
350113,TIDEWATER,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,171,205,21,21,18,18,-999,-100,0,1,19,-999,11,8,,H ,704,0,0,0,0
350208,TILLAMOOK,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,197,245,18,22,22,22,-999,-100,2,1,11,-999,10,7,,,632,0,0,0,0
350215,CEDAR,090824,13,N,16Y2P ,,172,207,15,20,16,16,10.015863859244304,-100,4,2,28,89.20536486876262,18,13,,M ,671,0,0,0,0
350216,SOUTH FORK,090824,13,N,16Y2P ,,157,182,15,18,15,15,4.924297043979813,-100,5,2,33,94.96755587599135,22,15,,,733,0,0,0,0
350308,MILLER,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,180,219,18,22,19,18,-999,-100,2,1,19,-999,13,9,,,672,0,0,0,0
350505,RYE MOUNTAIN,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,167,197,17,20,17,17,-999,-100,2,1,26,-999,14,10,,M ,764,0,0,0,0
350604,LOG CREEK,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,162,192,13,18,15,16,7.088150289017341,-100,6,1,32,95.15173410404624,18,12,,,707,0,0,0,0
350718,REDBOX,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,151,175,10,17,13,14,2.480173035328046,-100,13,2,40,94.93871665465032,21,15,,,723,0,0,0,0
350726,WANDERERS PEAK,090824,13,N,16Y2P ,,150,172,11,13,11,13,1.9250180245133381,-100,13,2,47,97.23864455659697,26,19,,,682,0,0,0,0

Version 1.9 and after output. The "bad" values are the bracketed values:

101100,PITTSBURG LANDING,090824,13,N,16Y4A ,,60,30,5,7,8,9,-999,-100,58,9,73,-999,59,42,,V ,640,0,0,0,0
350113,TIDEWATER,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,171,205,21,21,18,18,-999,-100,0,1,19,-999,11,8,,H ,704,0,0,0,0
350208,TILLAMOOK,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,197,245,18,22,22,22,-999,-100,2,1,11,-999,10,7,,,632,0,0,0,0
350215,CEDAR,090824,13,N,16Y2P ,,172,207,15,20,16,16,[0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.],-100,4,2,28,[0.01442169 0.01442169 0.01442169 ... 0.01442169 0.01442169 0.01442169],18,13,,M ,671,0,0,0,0
350216,SOUTH FORK,090824,13,N,16Y2P ,,157,182,15,18,15,15,[0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.],-100,5,2,33,[0.01441961 0.01441961 0.01441961 ... 0.01441961 0.01441961 0.01441961],22,15,,,733,0,0,0,0
350308,MILLER,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,180,219,18,22,19,18,-999,-100,2,1,19,-999,13,9,,,672,0,0,0,0
350505,RYE MOUNTAIN,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,167,197,17,20,17,17,-999,-100,2,1,26,-999,14,10,,M ,764,0,0,0,0
350604,LOG CREEK,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,162,192,13,18,15,16,[0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.],-100,6,1,32,[0.01445087 0.01445087 0.01445087 ... 0.01445087 0.01445087 0.01445087],18,12,,,707,0,0,0,0
350718,REDBOX,090824,13,N,16Y1P ,,151,175,10,17,13,14,[0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.],-100,13,2,40,[0.01441961 0.01441961 0.01441961 ... 0.01441961 0.01441961 0.01441961],21,15,,,723,0,0,0,0
350726,WANDERERS PEAK,090824,13,N,16Y2P ,,150,172,11,13,11,13,[0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.],-100,13,2,47,[0.01441961 0.01441961 0.01441961 ... 0.01441961 0.01441961 0.01441961],26,19,,,682,0,0,0,0

Here is a sample bit of the database I'm calculating against. Station 350726 (WANDERERS PEAK):


And the code...

from scipy import stats
import pandas as pd
import os
import sqlite3

def calc_percentile_data(ws, station, query_value, element_requested):

    # Import the datafile into a pandas dataframe
    db_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ws, '..\All_Key_Station_ERC_F1000.db')) ###Modified to set up for COOP remote laptops
    dbConnection = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
    # Assume table is named as below
    input_table = (f"{station}_FMY")
    # Check that the station table exists in the database
    # Otherwise, return a missing percentile (-999)
    table_exists = (f"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{input_table}';")

    if dbConnection.execute(table_exists).fetchone():
        pctile = -999

    # Check that the requested element exists within the table. If so, read in the data and continue
    # Otherwise, return a missing percentile (-999)
    column_exists = (f"SELECT COUNT(*) AS CNTREC FROM pragma_table_info('{input_table}') WHERE name='{element_requested}'")
    if dbConnection.execute(column_exists).fetchone():
        # element_requested matches an available column; Read the data into a dataframe
        input_column = element_requested
        query = f"SELECT [{input_column}] FROM [{input_table}] WHERE [StationID]='{station}'"
        dataf = pd.read_sql(query, dbConnection)
        print(f"ERROR: {element_requested} not available in the table {input_table} of {db_file}")
        pctile = -999
    print(f"   Station {station} is Key RAWS: Calculating {element_requested} Percentile data")
    pctile=find_percentile_rank(query_value, dataf)


def find_percentile_rank(curr_value, array):
    # Find percentile rank of a new value in the current array
    percentile = stats.percentileofscore(array, curr_value)

After updating SciPy and noticing the problem, I tried casting the query value as various number types but it didn't seem to make a difference. I then tried reverting to various versions to determine where the change occurred. This revealed something switched with version 1.9.0. I read the release notes but nothing has jumped out at me. I didn't notice anything specific relating to stats.percentileofscore but my eyes also became somewhat fuzzy at that point.

I am at a loss as how to correct this problem. Hopefully you more skilled folks can point me in the right direction. I much prefer to have our environment and code brought up to modern versions.

Edited the sample database above to match the requested output from the comments below. I am using station 350726 (Wanders Peak) for each of the examples, though this issue spans all stations/input tables.

I also added the variable's type to show how it's being passed into stats.percentileofscore plus the output type and data

With SciPy version 1.8.1:

   Station 350726 is Key RAWS: Calculating ERC Percentile data
array type=<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
  array=       ERC
0      5.4
1     10.5
2     12.0
3     12.6
4      9.7
...    ...
6930   5.0
6931   4.9
6932   4.6
6933   4.2
6934   3.9

[6935 rows x 1 columns],

curr_value type=<class 'float'>
percentile type=<class 'float'>

And with SciPy version 1.11.4. Had to use this version due to some other issues later in the workflow needing to be fixed when using the latest version of SciPy:

** Station 350726 is Key RAWS: Calculating ERC Percentile data
array type=<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
  array=       ERC
0      5.4
1     10.5
2     12.0
3     12.6
4      9.7
...    ...
6930   5.0
6931   4.9
6932   4.6
6933   4.2
6934   3.9

[6935 rows x 1 columns],

curr_value type=<class 'float'>
percentile type=<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
 percentile=[0.01441961 0.01441961 0.01441961 ... 0.01441961 0.01441961 0.01441961]

For kicks, I tried assigning my scalar to an array via curr_value_array=[curr_value] with no change.

   Station 350726 is Key RAWS: Calculating ERC Percentile data
array type=<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
  array=       ERC
0      5.4
1     10.5
2     12.0
3     12.6
4      9.7
...    ...
6930   5.0
6931   4.9
6932   4.6
6933   4.2
6934   3.9

[6935 rows x 1 columns],

curr_value type=<class 'float'>
curr_value_array type=<class 'list'>
percentile type=<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
 percentile=[0.01441961 0.01441961 0.01441961 ... 0.01441961 0.01441961 0.01441961]


  • array type=<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

    This isn't an array. It's a DataFrame. There are two important things here:

    • This is a Pandas DataFrame, not a NumPy array. This normally doesn't matter, as many functions will automatically convert a DataFrame into an array.
    • However, a DataFrame is 2D. The percentileofscore function is only designed to operate on 1D arrays. (See documentation.) It seems to have strange behavior in post 1.9.0 if you pass it a 2D array or DataFrame.

    I think what you intended here was to pass the column 'ERC' as a 1D array to the percentile function. You can access a specific column (or Series) by [] operator. You can convert that column into a 1D array with .values.

    Here's an example program to demonstrate this.

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.stats
    df = pd.DataFrame({'ERC': np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(10,))})
    print(scipy.stats.percentileofscore(df, 2))
    print(scipy.stats.percentileofscore(df['ERC'].values, 2))

    Here's what happens in 1.8.1:

    0  0.532428
    1  0.674558
    2  0.529101
    3  0.912309
    4  0.477466
    5  0.450533
    6  0.310699
    7  0.348802
    8  0.182325
    9  0.487267

    Here's what happens in 1.9.0:

    0  0.863470
    1  0.776420
    2  0.845065
    3  0.732675
    4  0.258756
    5  0.846346
    6  0.350822
    7  0.119473
    8  0.218777
    9  0.857994
    [10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10.]

    This shows that passing a 2D DataFrame is the cause of the problem. If you used array['ERC'].values instead of array, you would have more robust code that works in both versions.