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@tanstack/react-router (Typescript) - how to get the string of union types that's auto-generated for prop?

Just like the title! The typescript support with tanstack is a lifesaver, but I would like to know how to get the actual type for the generated route paths.

For example, there's typescript support for the <Link to="/some-route">. Is there any way to get the type of the to prop?

I tried importing and playing around with other types from @tanstack/react-router, but couldn't find anything. I also could not find any documentation on this.


  • Tanstack Router can automatically generate a route tree file that includes types related to routing. I created an example app using command: npm create @tanstack/router@latest, and I found the following code in src/routeTree.gen.ts:

    export interface FileRoutesByTo {
      '/': typeof IndexRoute
      '/about': typeof AboutRoute

    This file is automatically updated when new files are added under the route directory while Vite is running. The routing file setup is handled in vite.config.ts using TanStackRouterVite() plugin:

    export default defineConfig({
      plugins: [TanStackRouterVite({}), react()],

    For example, you can customize the name of the generated route tree file by using the generatedRouteTree option. (the default is src/routeTree.gen.ts)

    Note: This explanation applies to File-Based Routing. Other routing methods might have different configurations.


    Wrapper component example:

    type extendedLinkProps = Omit<LinkProps, "to"> & {
      to: string
    type toType = LinkProps['to'];
    function isToType(value: any): value is toType {
      // Add appropriate type checks here.
      return true;
    export const ExtendedLink = ({to, children, ...linkProps}: extendedLinkProps) => {
      const path = convertToToPath(to); // e.g. "/example/$id"
      const param = convertToToParam(to); // e.g. "1"
      type toType = LinkProps['to'];
      if (!isToType(path)) return;
      return <Link {...linkProps} to={path} params={param}>{children}</Link>

    use it like:

    <ExtendedLink to="/example/1">

    I think it works, but has not been tested.