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UUID save issues with mongoengine and mongomock

I have production code that stores mongoengine.Documents with UUIDs like this:

class TestEntry(Document):
    uuid_test = UUIDField(primary_key=True)

The regular code works as intended:

connect('mydatabase', host='localhost', port=27017)
_uid = uuid.uuid4()
entry = TestEntry(uuid_test=_uid)

I tried to replace the local db for with a mongomock client for unit tests, which changes the connection call:

connect('mydatabase', mongo_client_class=mongomock.MongoClient)

When using the mongomock client, I receive the following error code:

ValueError: cannot encode native uuid.UUID with UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED.
UUIDs can be manually converted to bson.Binary instances using bson.Binary.from_uuid()
or a different UuidRepresentation can be configured.
See the documentation for UuidRepresentation for more information.

I tried to manually convert the generated uuid like mentioned.

However, I receive this exception, when trying to do so:

mongoengine.errors.ValidationError: ValidationError
(Could not convert to UUID: badly formed hexadecimal UUID string: ['uuid_test'])

What is best practice to allow for both clients to work interchangeable?


  • mongomock does not support setting uuidRepresentation and thus fails to decode/encode UUIDs. I'm not aware of any workaround what works without patching mongomock.


    Exact code in mongomock: