I am encountering an issue with the taskbar color on Windows. When I change the taskbar color using the SetWindowCompositionAttribute
method, the color initially changes as expected. However, as soon as I click the 'Start' button, the taskbar color reverts to the default color specified by the Windows settings.
Steps to Reproduce:
.Expected Behavior: The taskbar color should remain as set by SetWindowCompositionAttribute
, even after interacting with the 'Start' button.
Actual Behavior: The taskbar color reverts to the default Windows settings when the 'Start' button is clicked.
Code Sample:
public static void SetTaskbarColor(Color color)
var accentPolicy = default(User32Interop.AccentPolicy);
accentPolicy.Color = color.ToAbgr();
accentPolicy.AccentState = 2;
accentPolicy.Flags = 2;
var data = default(User32Interop.Windowcompositionattribdata);
data.Attribute = User32Interop.WindowCompositionAttribute.WcaAccentPolicy;
data.SizeOfData = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(User32Interop.AccentPolicy));
data.Data = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(data.SizeOfData);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(accentPolicy, data.Data, false);
var taskbarHandle = User32Interop.FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd", null);
var secondaryTaskbarHandle = User32Interop.FindWindow("Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd", null);
if (taskbarHandle != nint.Zero)
User32Interop.SetWindowCompositionAttribute(taskbarHandle, ref data);
if (secondaryTaskbarHandle != nint.Zero)
User32Interop.SetWindowCompositionAttribute(secondaryTaskbarHandle, ref data);
Answer to this question is on this thread: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/2046028/taskbar-color-reverts-when-changing-color-using-se
Solution was to add change of taskbar's color to Timer or Thread, which will repeatedly refresh it