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How to type iconCreateFunction from MarkerClusterGroup

I have created a small test using MarkerClusterGroup from react-leaflet-cluster.

Although it works, I have a hard time making all the types work in TypeScript:


The callback function looks like this:

const createCustomClusterIcon = (cluster) => {
   const markers = cluster.getAllChildMarkers();
   // ...

So, the problem I have is typing the cluster property. The only types that I was able to give to cluster was any and { getChildCount: () => string }. But what should this type be?


  • The iconCreateFunction prop mirrors the same named option from Leaflet.markercluster plugin.

    Although not explicitly described, the callback is passed the MarkerCluster instance. You can get its type in L from "leaflet" after you have also done import "leaflet.markercluster" so that it performs the side effect of Leaflet module augmentation:

    import L from "leaflet";
    import "leaflet.markercluster"; // Import for side effect of Leaflet module augmentation
    import MarkerClusterGroup from "react-leaflet-cluster";
    const createCustomClusterIcon = (cluster: L.MarkerCluster) => {
        const markers = cluster.getAllChildMarkers();
        // ...
        return L.icon({ iconUrl: "" })
    () => (
            iconCreateFunction={createCustomClusterIcon} // Okay

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