I created a graphic in Flash CS4 that contains text. I embedded the appropriate characters then saved it as a MovieClip into my library. I then exported it to an SWC file.
In my AS3 code (using Flex SDK/notepad), I then import the movieclip and assign it some mouse events so I can use it as a button.
Unfortunately, all the text-in-graphics I import this way have the "I" mouse cursor and the text is selectable. This steals the focus from my flash application and is not good!
I know when I have a textfield I can:
var myButton:TextField = new TextField();
myButton.MouseEnabled = false;
But this has no effect when it's a Movieclip I'm importing:
var myButton:MovieClip = new MyImportedButtonGraphic();
myButton.MouseEnabled = false; // No effect
// Plus some other things I learned:
myButton.selectable = false; // also no effect
myButton.MouseChildren = false; // No effect
What am I doing wrong?
In the flash ide, select the textField, go to the properties panel and uncheck the button that has the characters 'Ab' in it. That stops your text being selectable.