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Intellij-plugin: Deficient PATH environment variable

I am writing JB IDE plugin (idea, webstorm etc) Inside of the plugin I am using ProcessBuilder to invoke npx command

val builder = ProcessBuilder("npx jest /src/some.test.js").directory(workingDir)

When I execute the command I have this output Cannot run program "npx" (in directory ...): error=2, No such file or directory Even if I update the command to somethis like /path/to/npx jest /src/some.test.js I will have the same issue but refering node itself env: node: No such file or directory

So basically I have some issue with PATH env variable like something is missing. So I started logging it.

thisLogger().info("ENV: [\n${builder.environment()}\n]")

And indeed the PATH looks poor and deficient. Way smaller then what I see calling echo $PATH from the terminal.

I have no issues invoking the same command from the IDE terminal. What can I do to fully inherit the PATH variable in my plugin with ProcessBuilder?

I tried doing something like this

builder.environment()["PATH"] = EnvironmentUtil.getEnvironmentMap()["PATH"]

And repeated the same action for JAVA_HOME, M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME but it did not work

UPD: Once the same code started to actually work after I rebooted my laptop but after another reboot it stopped working. And now it also does not work for some other people as well.


  • I started to use GeneralCommandLine instead of ProcessBuilder using some workaround For win

    val commandLine = GeneralCommandLine("cmd")
    commandLine.addParameters("/c", *restOfTheCommand)

    For others

    //consider command is Array<String>
    val commandLine = GeneralCommandLine(command[0])