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How to provide an SSL certificate for HTTP authentication for project git sync?

I have an Ansible Automation Platform instance. I created a Project with git as the source control type.

The problem is the Git provider I'm using is behind a reverse proxy which requires the user to provide an SSL certificate/key pair for SSL authentication, in addition to a username/password for the git server itself. On my PC my .gitconfig would look like this (Windows):

[http "https://my.git.server/"]
    sslCert = CurrentUser\\MY\\<certificate thumbprint>
    sslBackend = schannel

Or this (Linux):

[http "https://my.git.server/"]
        sslCert = /home/my-user/.git/my-user.crt
        sslKey = /home/my-user/.git/my-user.key

How do I configure AAP to provide this cert/key pair for SSL authentication when pulling the project playbooks, sync from SCM?


  • The solution was to host the certs and .gitconfig on the host filesystem then map the directory to the execution environment jobs.

    Create a .gitconfig file:

    [http "https://my.git.server/"]
            sslCert = /home/runner/.git/my-user.crt
            sslKey = /home/runner/.git/my-user.key

    Save them in a central location accessible by the awx user, such as /etc/ansible:

    |__ .git/
    |   |
    |   |__ my-user.crt
    |   |
    |   |__ my-user.key
    |__ .gitconfig

    Make awx the owner of the directory:

    chown -R awx:awx /etc/ansible/gitconfig

    Under Settings > Job settings > Paths to expose to isolated jobs, add the volume mount from the directory on the host filesystem (in this case, /etc/ansible/gitconfig) to the user's home folder in the execution environment image (in this case, /home/runner):


    The :O option marks the directory as read-only. Other options can be found here.

    Alternatively, this is the AWX_ISOLATION_SHOW_PATHS under jobs settings in the API.