I am trying to use RPCs to notify the Server in "LiteEntitySytem.PawnLogic" class that setup has been completed in the Client.
I tried calling the method called NotifyServerThatSetupHasCompleted() from the client.
I expected the Server to have been notified. But the server was not notified. This is the code I used
using LiteEntitySystem;
public class BaseNetworkNPC : PawnLogic
private bool hasSetupCompleted = false;
private static RemoteCall setupCompletedRPC;
public BaseNetworkNPC(EntityParams entityParams) : base(entityParams)
protected override void RegisterRPC(ref RPCRegistrator r)
base.RegisterRPC(ref r);
r.CreateRPCAction(this, SetupCompleted, ref setupCompletedRPC, ExecuteFlags.ExecuteOnServer);
Debug.WriteLine("Registered setupCompletedRPC.");
protected override void Update()
if (!hasSetupCompleted) return;
private void FSMTick()
stateTimer += EntityManager.DeltaTimeF;
protected override void OnDestroy()
public void SetupCompleted()
Debug.WriteLine("Setup completed RPC triggered on the server.");
hasSetupCompleted = true;
public void NotifyServerThatSetupHasCompleted()
if (EntityManager.IsClient)
Debug.WriteLine("Client is notifying server that setup has completed.");
ExecuteRPC(in setupCompletedRPC);
internal class Client
public void OnPeerConnected(NetPeer peer)
Server = peer;
// Initialize ChatSystem with the connected server peer
//I dont think this is needed because upon joining the API returns everything and the server knows where to place them
//NetworkHelpers.SendPacket(Server, _writer, _packetProcessor, PacketType.Serialized, new ServerRequestPacket { RequestType = RequestType.StarSystem }, DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered);
new JoinPacket
username = LoginVariables.Email,
password = LoginVariables.Password,
token = LoginVariables.Token
EntityTypesMap<GameEntities> typesMap = new EntityTypesMap<GameEntities>()
.Register(GameEntities.NPC, e => new BaseNetworkNPC(e))
.Register(GameEntities.NPCController, e => new NPCController(e));
_entityManager = ClientEntityManager.Create<PlayerInputPacket>(
new LiteNetLibNetPeer(peer, true),
.SubscribeToConstructed(CreateNPC, true);
private void CreateNPC(BaseNetworkNPC baseNetworkNPC)
// after running baseNetworkNPC.NotifyServerThatSetupHasCompleted(); server state never changes and BaseNetworkNPC.SetupCompleted() is never called
RPCs works currently only from Server to Client. There is ClientRequests in HumanController - that can send info from client to server.