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AccountEnabled user property from Azure AD returning null

I am trying to get a group of users from azure ad graph. When I make the call it is returning the AccountEnabled property as null. After doing some research I noticed that it is most likely related to api permissions assingned to the app registration I am using for the token. I added the User.Read.All permission to it which should add the correct permissions to read all properties of a user but I am still getting null for AccountEnabled. I am building the token using the app registration credentials. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

        public async Task<List<GroupMember>> GetAllGroupMembers(string userAccessToken, string destination)
        var centreDetails = await _centreService.GetCentreDetailsBy(userAccessToken, destination);
        var graphClient = await GetGraphClient();
        var groupMembers = new List<GroupMember>();

        var transitiveMembers = await graphClient.Groups[centreDetails.distributionGroup.azureId].TransitiveMembers.Request().GetAsync();
        while (transitiveMembers != null && transitiveMembers.Count > 0)
            var members = transitiveMembers.CurrentPage.Where(member => member is User);
            foreach (User member in members)
                groupMembers.Add(new GroupMember
                    Id = member.Id,
                    Name = member.DisplayName,
                    AccountEnabled = member.AccountEnabled
            if (transitiveMembers.NextPageRequest != null)
                transitiveMembers = await transitiveMembers.NextPageRequest.GetAsync();
        return groupMembers;


  • By default graph doesn't return this property and you will get back a standard set. If you need something specific you have to explicitly declare all desired properties. If you send a call by using the graph explorer you'll get back this as a tip in the response.

    Instead you have to explicitly select which properties you need and in v4 SDK you define the desired properties by calling .Request().Select("id,displayName,accountEnabled").GetAsync();