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Accessing values in a 2D array incorrectly

I have a 2D array such as:

        // construct initial **array
        int **arr;
        arr = new int* [SIZE];
        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
            arr[i] = new int[SIZE];

I am then filling the array with input from cin, and that is working fine. Yet when I go to access the values in the array by double for loop iteration, I get the incorrect values.

I have printed out the values as I am adding them in something like:

"Adding <int> to array position <row><col>"

For example, I am storing the ints {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,0}}, yet when I go to access them, I get the values {{49,50,51}, {52,53,54}, {55,56,48}}.

I have a feeling that it's something trivial, I just have no idea where to look.


  • It looks like you are storing the ASCII values of the numbers rather than their numeric values, for example the character 1 has ASCII value 49. Check that the variable you are using to read input is a numeric type and not char.