My original requirement is that I want to use @EnableMethodSecurity
, but when I call @RestController
method with invalid payload and user missing required role, the validation takes precedence. So instead of getting 403/401 I'm getting 400 revealing something about unauthorized endpoint. That's incorrect.
I found out, that in my case it's because validation isn't part of AOP proxy chain, but it's triggered by
inside depths of call getMethodArgumentValues
The workaround(well if it's even workaround) here is straightforward. Disable the validator for WebDataBinder
and annotate the controller with @Validated
. Doing so the binder won't throw MethodArgumentNotValidException
and bean validation will be called correctly by spring in response to processing annotation @Validated
My first question is: 1. why is WebDataBinder
even used if I'm using jackson library for deserialization? Or am I? Well at least I'd like to and expect it to be used. Is there some mistake? I don't know if it's correct, I think I saw some notice, that it should not be used...
minimal working example(check master branch)
Excerpts from MWE(I can publish it later, I'm missing some tests yet):
Controller class:
public class SomeController {
// @RolesAllowed(ROLE1)
public String contactSearch(@Valid @RequestBody SearchRequest searchRequest) {
return "OK";
public static class SearchRequest {
private Long userId;
app/security definition:
public class IsWebBinderUsedToBindJacksonDtoRequestBodyApplication {
public static final String ROLE1 = "ROLE1";
public static final String ROLE2 = "ROLE2";
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public UserDetailsService userDetailsService() {
// Define an in-memory user with roles
UserDetails user1 = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
UserDetails user2 = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
return new InMemoryUserDetailsManager(user1, user2);
SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
return http
.authorizeHttpRequests(a -> a.anyRequest().permitAll())
.httpBasic(conf -> conf.realmName("aaa"))
disabling of validation can be done using:
public void initUserBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
//no validation whatsoever!
and I have the second question about this @InitBinder
. If there isn't better way and I have to use this, how do I configure WebDataBinder globally to disable the validator as shown (or provide some benevolet Validator implementation, or to do any other customization)? I kinda cannot find the solution for springboot 3.
I'm not sure if this behavior is intentional or not, or whether the binder should be used or not in this case. But I saw several threads asking for fixing this without any response, so I will add my here.
The cause of problem is binder calling the validation of input data before calling authorization proxy for method level validation( here:, as demonstrated in minimal working example.
One possible solution is to use @Validated
to enable spring validation using AOP proxy and either disable binder validation using @InitBinder
or globally using advice:
public final class BinderShouldNotValidateAdvice {
//global disabling data binder premature validation
public void initUserBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
// customization specific to binding a User
It does not seem, that spring handles ConstraintViolationException automatically. It will fail producing stacktrace to log and http 500 in response without failure description. So you need to implement your own exception handler as shown in MWE as well.
This is just one potential solution, if someone know better one, please let me know. Thank you!