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React Hook Form at Least One TextField Has Value

I have 2 controlled inputs on a form, and I only need to validate that 1 of them is filled in. I'm having trouble with the validation logic.

                   function atLeastOneChecked(inputs: string) {
                       return inputs.length > 0;

                        {...register("phoneNumber", {
                            validate: atLeastOneChecked,
                        render={({ field, fieldState: { error } }) => (
                                label="Phone Number"
                                helperText={!!error && 'Phone or email required.'}
                        {...register("email", {
                            validate: atLeastOneMediumChecked,
                        render={({ field, fieldState: { error } }) => (
                                helperText={!!error && 'Phone or email required.'}

When I submit, the validation function gets called twice, once for each component. So it works the same as required: true on each one.

What I need is for the validate function to check both at once, and only return an error if both are empty.

I have tried:

                   function atLeastOneChecked(inputs: Inputs) {


                   function atLeastOneChecked(inputs: string[]) {

But then the validate property throws an error that the types are incompatible.


  • The answer to this was to use a resolver:

    const { handleSubmit, control, register, formState: { errors } } = useForm<Inputs>({
            defaultValues: {
            resolver: data => {
                const error: FieldErrors = {} as FieldErrors;
                if (!data.phoneNumber.trim() && ! {
                    const message = 'Either Phone Number or Email is required.';
                    error.phoneNumberParam = error.emailParam = { message: message, type: '' };
                return {
                    values: data,
                    errors: error,