For some time now, I've used ZipDeploy to publish .NET 8 Azure Function Apps to Windows hosts. The process is:
So I do the exact same thing as above, but substitute Windows for Linux.
When I deploy this (I happen to use Postman to push) I get a 200 OK response. Just like normal :-)
But when I go to the Overview pane in Azure, it first takes an age to load, and then the list of Functions is not displayed:
The details are around a time-out issue. But, if I navigate to any of my Windows FN Apps then the Function details loads immediately, so it's Azure being slow.
I have the WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE set to 1 (it's running on an App Service plan).
In the "Diagnose and solve problems > Deployment" and dig into Function App Status after deployment, I see:
The Function's trigger is from a Service Bus queue, and - needless to say - it all runs perfectly in Visual Studio.
Note: I also have tried doing the deploy direct to Azure from Visual Studio. It all looks to be successful, but same effect.
Thanks @JRichardsz and @RithwikBojja - I finally figured it out.
There was red-herring in my HelloWorld Fn app; I updated the NuGet packages and then that worked. So the problem was definitely with my actual application.
The problem turned out to be that my Environment variables had a .
in the name. For example MyService.BaseUrl
and MyService.Timeout
. This naming convention worked fine on Windows but not on Linux. I swapped out .
for _
and now everything works.