I am working with a dataset that lays out some of it's data in ways that are not the most useful to later work on. For example:
ID Group timestamp location
1 2 12 secs c(50,120)
2 1 3 secs c(20,45)
3 1 7 secs c(12,30)
4 2 18 secs c(45,100)
5 3 4 secs c(0,80)
I want to separate the location column into 2 numeric columns, and have the timestamp column become numeric in order to work on them as such.
Tried to remove characters and use as.numeric
but upon starting any mutate
ork with the columns I get an non-numeric argument to binary operator
data= data %>%
mutate(timestamp = gsub("\\secs", "", timestamp)) %>%
mutate(location = gsub("\\c()", "", location)) %>%
separate(location, c("location.x", "location.y"), sep = ",") %>%
data = data %>%
group_by(Group) %>%
mutate(av_location.y = mean(location.y),
av_time = max(timestamp) - min(timestamp))
If anyone know how I might get around this character vector issue it would be appreciated.
We assume that the data is as shown reproducibly in the Note at the end. It either looks like data
where the location
column is character or like data2
where the location
column is a list of numeric vectors. The code handles both but if it is a character vector then the {...} line could be optionally omitted without changing anything.
Extract the timestamp using separate
. This will also create a junk column which we eliminate using the NA shown. convert=TRUE
causes the character numbers to be converted to numeric.
The next line checks if location
is a list column and if so converts it to a character column. This line could be omitted if we knew that location
were character.
Finally use separate
again on location
data %>%
separate(timestamp, c("timestamp", NA), convert = TRUE) %>%
{ if (is.list(.$location)) mutate(., location = paste(location)) else . } %>%
separate(location, c(NA,"location1", "location2", NA), convert = TRUE)
ID Group timestamp location1 location2
1 1 2 12 50 120
2 2 1 3 20 45
3 3 1 7 12 30
4 4 2 18 45 100
5 5 3 4 0 80
data <- data.frame(
ID = 1:5,
Group = c(2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 3L),
timestamp = c("12 secs", "3 secs", "7 secs", "18 secs", "4 secs"),
location = c("c(50,120)", "c(20,45)", "c(12,30)", "c(45,100)", "c(0,80)")
data2 <- data %>%
mutate(location = lapply(location, \(x) eval(parse(text = x))))