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How to check if there is table with only one row on PowerPoint presentation slide and how to delete the slide containing such table?

There is PowerPoint presentation. I need to search slides containig table that consists of one row and delete such slides. How to do it?

P.S. I'm sorry for such a stupid question, guys, but there is a project (about 50 000 lines) full of sh*tty code written not by me. The program generates presentations. I found about 3 reasons why such slide can appear in the presentations, and I fixed them all. Such slides still are in presentations, and I need to fix the problem fast(


  • Something like this:

    Sub DeleteOneRowTables()
    Dim oSh As Shape
    Dim x As Long
    Dim oSl As Slide
    For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
        For x = oSl.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
            With oSl.Shapes(x)
                If .HasTable Then
                    If .Table.Rows.Count = 1 Then
                    End If  ' Rows count
                End If  ' has table
            End With
        Next    ' x
    Next    ' Slide
    End Sub