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How can i assign a VM in Azure to view all subscriptions using Managed Identity?

I have a VM in Azure i have assigned an Identity and i can login using

 az login --identity

When i do that , it only displays the Subscription that the VM is in . I have a number of subscriptions and I want that VM to be able to view all subscriptions and be able to access all resources in all subscriptions .

I have tried to configure Role assignment but couldnt see anything that would allow the VM to access all subscriptions

How can i configure the VM identity to access all subscriptions and all resources ?


  • How can i assign a VM in Azure to view all subscriptions using Managed Identity?

    To assign a role to the VM identity on different subscriptions, follow these steps

    1. Enable the VM Identity by navigating to Virtual Machines > Identity.

    enter image description here

    1. Assign the role to another subscription in same tenant, by navigating to another Subscription > Access control (IAM) > Add role assignment > Select the role > User, group, or service principal > Enter your VM Name at search place.

    Note: If you select Managed identity, The managed identity will be access within the same subscription, it won't display in another subscription


    enter image description here

    1. Once assign the roles to the VM identity, when I try to log in with the identity, I am able to see all subscription details which are assigned, as shown below.


    enter image description here