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How to write a code that executes after each login in ci4

I am using codeigniter 4 to build a web application. I want users to be mandated to update their profile on first login. They should not be able to proceed without updating their profile. Please help me on how to point me to the right direction on what to use or how to achieve this. I tried login event with shield, but the event does not execute if page is refreshed. I tried filters too, but I am not experienced using filters.

Thanks in advance for your kindness.

`Events::on('login', function (){
        $model = model('DashboardModel');
        $check_profile_setup = $model->check_profile_setup();
            exit(var_dump('stop here'));


  • This method will check if the user's profile is complete or needs updating. The logic can vary depending on how your profile information is structured in the database. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

    1. Create or Edit DashboardModel

    If you don't already have a DashboardModel, you can create one:


    php spark make:model DashboardModel

    Or, if you already have it, locate and open the DashboardModel file in app/Models/DashboardModel.php.

    1. Define the checkProfileSetup Method

    The checkProfileSetup method should query the database to check whether the required profile fields are filled out. Here's an example implementation:

    php >>

    <?php namespace App\Models;
    use CodeIgniter\Model;
    class DashboardModel extends Model
        protected $table = 'users';  // Replace with your actual table name
        protected $primaryKey = 'id'; // Replace with your actual primary key
        public function checkProfileSetup($userId)
            // Fetch the user record
            $user = $this->find($userId);
            // Assume 'profile_completed' is a boolean field in your users table
            // or you can check specific fields like email, phone, address, etc.
            if (!isset($user['profile_completed']) || !$user['profile_completed']) 
                // Profile is not complete
                return false;
            // Profile is complete
            return true;


    • Replace 'users' with the actual name of your users' table.
    • Replace 'id' with the actual primary key field in your table.
    • The method checks if the profile_completed field (which you might have in your database) is set and true. If not, it returns false, indicating the profile is incomplete.

    If you don't have a profile_completed field, you could check individual fields like this:

    php >>

    public function checkProfileSetup($userId)
            // Fetch the user record
            $user = $this->find($userId);
            // Check if essential fields are filled (replace with actual fields)
            if (empty($user['email']) || empty($user['phone']) || empty($user['address'])) {
            // Profile is not complete
            return false;
        // Profile is complete
        return true;

    In this version, the method checks if specific fields (like email, phone, and address) are filled. If any are empty, the profile is considered incomplete.


    Modify your DashboardModel to include a method like checkProfileSetup. Customize the method to reflect how you store profile completion status (using a specific boolean field or by checking key profile fields). Integrate this method into the filter, as explained earlier, to enforce the profile update on the first login. If you follow these steps, you'll be able to implement the necessary logic to ensure users complete their profiles on their first login. If you need more specific guidance based on your database schema, feel free to ask!