I tried running firebase deploy --only functions
to upload a new Node.js cloud functions to firebases, and I am presented with this error:
⚠ functions: failed to update function projects/my-app/locations/us-central1/functions/fixGeoLocErr
Failed to update function projects/busfluence-app/locations/us-central1/functions/fixGeoLocErr
⚠ functions: HTTP Error: 400, Validation failed for trigger projects/my-app/locations/us-central1/triggers/sendnewoffernotification-890412: The request was invalid: generic::not_found: Project has no namespace.: invalid argument
⚠ functions: failed to create function projects/busfluence-app/locations/us-central1/functions/sendNewOfferNotification
Failed to create function projects/busfluence-app/locations/us-central1/functions/sendNewOfferNotification
Functions deploy had errors with the following functions:
i functions: cleaning up build files...
Error: There was an error deploying functions:
- Error Failed to update function fixGeoLocErr in region us-central1
- Error Failed to create function sendNewOfferNotification in region us-central1
One of the already existing functions called fixGeoLocErr
failed to update, and the new function I made called sendNewOfferNotification
failed to upload.
The only reason why I can imagine this being an issue is that I recently added a new iOS app to firebase and have switched my project to use the new one. I didn't make any changes to any cloud function configurations after doing this. Could that be the problem?
I actually ended up completely reinstalling all the Firebase CLI tools, and also reinstalled node/npm on my machine to no avail. Any ideas?
This was the function that I was trying to deploy:
const {onValueCreated} = require("firebase-functions/v2/database");
const {logger} = require("firebase-functions");
exports.sendNewNotification = onValueCreated("/transactions", (event) => {
logger.log(`A new document was created`);
However, the onValueCreated
function is made for the Real Time Database. In my project, I've been using Cloud Firestore, and RTDB isn't setup, hence the Project has no namespace
Instead, I did this:
const {onDocumentWritten} = require("firebase-functions/v2/firestore");
const {logger} = require("firebase-functions");
exports.sendNewNotification = onDocumentWritten("/transactions", (event) => {
logger.log(`A new document was created`);
This uses the triggers for Cloud Firestore instead of RTDB.