Search code examples

how to access GSA API

I have a Google Search Appliance and am trying to access the API to download the Event Logs. I am using curl through cygwin on the Windows 7 command line.

I am able to get an authentication token using

curl -X POST -d Email=username -d Passwd=password ""

My problem is that when I attempt to retrieve the even logs themselves:

curl -k -X GET -d query=User -H "Content-type: application/atom+xml" -H "Authorization: GoogleLogin Auth=e73265ce254f7c4afbcbee1743a56e81" ""

curl says that it cannot reach the host:

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host

Any help in getting this to work is greatly appreciated.


  • The problem turned out to be the configuration with my GSA. The GSA is configured to require communication over HTTPS. Because all GSAs default to HTTP traffic over port 8000 and HTTPS traffic over 8443, my problem was solved by sending the following:

    curl -k -X GET -d query=User -H "Content-type: application/atom+xml" -H "Authorization: GoogleLogin Auth=e73265ce254f7c4afbcbee1743a56e81" ""