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Python typing annotation return value annotation based if function argument being a list or not

If I have

   def get(
        ids: str | list[str] | int | list[int],
    ) -> float | list[float]:

Is there a way to specify in return value annotation that a list of floats is output only when the input ids is a list of strs or ints?


  • One way to do this is by using the @overload decorator to create 2 extra function signatures, one for int | str that returns float and one for list[str] | list[int] that returns list[float] and then have the actual function definition like you have now.

    from typing import overload
    def test(
        ids:str | int,
    ) -> float:...
    def test(
        ids:list[str] | list[int],
    ) -> list[float]:...
    def test(
        ids: str | list[str] | int | list[int],
    ) -> float | list[float]:...