Search code examples

How to code a Material-UI TextField component so the background-color does not overflow the border?

I have been attempting to style a Material-UI TextField to have a background-color when a user hovers or the component is focused.

My component code is:

import React from "react";
import TextField, { TextFieldProps } from "@mui/material/TextField";
import { styled } from "@mui/material/styles";
import { Input, InputBase, InputBaseProps } from "@mui/material";

export const SearchBar = styled(TextField)<TextFieldProps>(({ theme }) => ({
  "& .MuiOutlinedInput-root": {
    color: "var(--grey-30)",
    marginRight: "10px",
    "& .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": {
      borderRadius: "30px",
      borderColor: "var(--primary)",
      borderSize: "1px",
      height: "56px",
      color: "var(--primary)",
    "&:hover:not(.Mui-focused)": {
      color: "var(--grey-30)",
      borderColor: "var(--primary)",
      backgroundColor: "var(--primary-99)",
      borderRadius: "30px",
    "&.Mui-focused": {
      color: "var(--primary)",
      backgroundColor: "var(--primary-99)",
      borderRadius: "30px",
      borderColor: "var(--primary)",
      "& .MuiInputAdornment-outlined": {
        color: "var(--primary)",

And my instance of the component code as pictured below is:

                  startAdornment: (
                    <InputAdornment position="start" color="var(--primary)">
                      <SearchIcon />

Image of TextField styled as a Search Bar with background-color overshooting the border

I have searched everywhere but have not come across a post addressing this particular issue. Any advice would be appreciated.

I have tried not using "& .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline" but that did not work. I tried adding the notchedOutline to the hover and .MuiFocused. That made the background appear correctly, but the text was no longer visible (as well as the adornment).


  • I have reproduced your code and implemented what you were trying to achieve. Apparently, the & .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline or fieldset is displayed absolutely but with a transparent background. However, when you added the background color to the fieldset, the background covers the Textfield input value. In order to circumvent this, I added a z-index to the .MuiOutlinedInput-input whenever the input is hovered or focused so it can always display on top of the fieldset. I haven't removed anything from your existing code, but I have added the possible solutions to it. I have used arbitrary colors on input focus and on hover, so you can adjust the color accordingly too.

    import React from "react";
    import TextField, { TextFieldProps } from "@mui/material/TextField";
    import { styled } from "@mui/material/styles";
    import { Input, InputBase, InputBaseProps } from "@mui/material";
    export const SearchBar = styled(TextField)<TextFieldProps>(({ theme }) => ({
      "& .MuiOutlinedInput-root": {
        color: "var(--grey-30)",
        marginRight: "10px",
        "& .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": {
          borderRadius: "30px",
          borderColor: "var(--primary)",
          borderSize: "1px",
          height: "56px",
          color: "var(--primary)",
        "&:hover:not(.Mui-focused)": {
          color: "var(--grey-30)",
          borderColor: "var(--primary)",
          backgroundColor: "var(--primary-99)",
          borderRadius: "30px",
        "&.Mui-focused": {
          color: "var(--primary)",
          backgroundColor: "var(--primary-99)",
          borderRadius: "30px",
          borderColor: "var(--primary)",
          "& .MuiInputAdornment-outlined": {
            color: "var(--primary)",
          "& > fieldset": {
            background: "red",
          "& .MuiOutlinedInput-input": {
            zIndex: 10,
        "&:hover": {
          "& > fieldset": {
            background: "green",
          "& > .MuiOutlinedInput-input": {
            zIndex: 10,