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HTMX get request within form includes select element name attribute in query string. Is there a way to avoid that?

Using Go html/templates, HTMX, Alpinejs What i'm trying to accomplish is that when I select server name from a dropdown list I populate the database dropdown list with databases related to that instance. Using HTMX to get that database list the select element attribute name is added to the query string. /getDatabases?database-name=&serverName=xxxxxx

Here is the code

    <label for="server-instance">Server Instance: 
        <span x-text="selectedServerInstance"></span>
    <select id="server-instance" name="server-instance" x-model="selectedServerInstance">
        <option value="">Select a server instance</option>
        {{range .}}
        <option value="{{.ServerName}}">{{.ServerName}}</option>
<div x-cloak x-show="selectedServerInstance">
    <label for="database-name"></label>
    <select id="database-name" name="database-name" 
    :hx-vals="JSON.stringify({ serverName: selectedServerInstance })"
    hx-trigger="change from:#server-instance" 
        <option value="">Select a database</option>
        <option id="database-list"></option>

This code block is within a <form>

If I remove the name attribute than of course the query parameter is not added and I can not get the form value in my handler. databaseName := c.FormValue("database-name")

When submitting the form i need to get what is selected for the database name so i can not remove that I just don't want to have this in my query when I get the list of databases.

Probably just some basic HTMX functionality, just not finding it in the documentation

Here is the full form. Requested in comment.

<div x-data="{ selectedServerInstance: '' }">
        <div class="mb-4">
            <label for="username">Username:</label>
            <input type="text" id="username" name="username">
            <label for="server-instance">Server Instance: <span x-text="selectedServerInstance"></span></label>
            <select id="server-instance" name="server-instance" 
            x-on:change="document.querySelector('body').dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('serverInstanceChanged'))" >
                <option value="">Select a server instance</option>
                {{range .}}
                <option value="{{.ServerName}}">{{.ServerName}}</option>
        <div x-cloak x-show="selectedServerInstance">
            <label for="database-name">(Optional)</span></label>
            <select id="database-name" name="database-name" 
            :hx-vals="JSON.stringify({ serverName: selectedServerInstance })"
            hx-trigger="serverInstanceChanged from:body" 
                <option id="database-list"></option>
            <label for="skip-object-permission">Skip Object Permission:</label>
            <input type="checkbox" id="skip-object-permission" name="skip-object-permission">
            <button type="submit">Submit</button>
    <div id="user-priviledge-container"></div>


  • This is the expected behaviour with a GET request, it will append form-enclosed input elements (with a name attribute) as query parameters. To avoid this, you could use a POST request instead.