I have a typescript library that contains svelte 5 runes. I want to test if reactivity is working but for some reasons runes are not working.
I modified vite.config.ts
to accept unittests with the svelte compiler:
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [sveltekit()],
test: {
include: ['tests/**/*.test.svelte.{js,ts}'],
restoreMocks: true,
Then I create a X.test.svelte.ts
test('Counter', () => {
let count = $state(0);
let double = $derived(count * 2);
count = 5;
But the expect tells me that double
is 0 instead of 10. Any hint how to make the file reactive?
By default SSR code is generated which is non-reactive.
You need to set the environment to e.g. jsdom
to test client-side code.
This can either be done in the config or on a per-file basis using a comment like this at the top:
// @vitest-environment jsdom
(Environments like jsdom
require the respective package, though Vitest should even tell you that.)