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Yarn Berry - No Releases folder

Really simple question that I can't seem to find an answer to. When I run yarn set version stable, I get the confirmation that the version was set to 4.1.1. However, in my .yarn folder, there is no .yarn/releases folder created for shipping the package manager with the project. It's causing my Docker build to fail, because the configuration is trying to use Yarn v1


  • Platform: Windows 10
  • Node.js: v18.18.2
  • NVM: v1.1.11 (Used to install Node.js)
  • Scoop: v0.3.1 (Used to install NVM)

If you were to isolate the build steps to get here, it would be:

  • Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing | Invoke-Expression
  • scoop install nvm
  • nvm install 18.18.2
  • nvm use 18.18.2
  • npx corepack enable
  • mkdir ~/test-project
  • cd ~/test-project
  • npm init -y
  • yarn set version stable
  • yarn install
  • yarn ls .yarn < Note the lack of a releases folder

It's weird because my colleagues who authored another Yarn project on a Mac got the release in their project directory. I've also never had this problem before, though I admit I usually just use NPM. The current project is a fork of the other one I mentioned (I needed it for testing purposes, and they didn't let me mess with their stuff).

Any links to documentation would be greatly appreciated. Running Get-Command yarn just points me to the global script install for Yarn v1, but when I run yarn --version I get confirmation that the correct version is installed.


  • Had the same problem on win 11 and yarn 4.4.1, adding the extra flag --yarn-path e.g. yarn set version --yarn-path stable works for me.