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Why Azure Container Instance cannot access Azure Container Registry image

I have built a Docker image that I have pushed successfully to an Azure Container Registry (ACR) repository.

But I cannot create an Azure Container Instance running it through Azure Powershell:

> New-AzContainerGroup -ResourceGroupName rg-docker-test -Name framerapi-cg -Location francecentral -Container $container -IpAddressType Public

As I get an error:

The image '' in container group 'framerapi-cg' is not accessible. Please check the image and registry credential.

But I was able to push it to ACR without any issue:

> Connect-AzContainerRegistry -Name crdockertest
Login Succeeded
> docker push --all-tags

And I can even pull it:

> docker pull

But I've found that by enabling "Admin user" for the registry I can create the container group using the generated credentials:

> $pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText ...
> $credentials = New-AzContainerGroupImageRegistryCredentialObject -Server -Username crdockertest -Password $pwd
> New-AzContainerGroup -ResourceGroupName rg-docker-test -Name framerapi-cg -Location francecentral -Container $container -IpAddressType Public -ImageRegistryCredential $credentials

Why the usual authentication via Connect-AzContainerRegistry (and Connect-AzAccount if it matters) is not working?
What is the fix?
As if I understand well the "Admin user" mode is not suited for production, only for dev/testing.


  • This is how I use PowerShell and the AZ to successfully deploy a container image to Azure Container Instances without using the admin username/password.

    Just fill out the variables with your own data.

    # Step 1: Create a user-assigned managed identity
    Write-Host "`nCreating a user-assigned managed identity '${identityName}'."
    $identity = az identity create --name $identityName `
                       --resource-group $rgname `
                       --output json | ConvertFrom-Json
    $identityId = $
    $principalId = $identity.principalId
    $clientId = $identity.clientId
    Write-Host "User-assigned managed identity created"
    Write-Host "id: ${identityId}"
    Write-Host "PrincipalId: ${principalId}"
    Write-Host "ClientId: ${clientId}"
    # Step 2: Get the Azure Container Registry ID
    Write-Host "`n`nRetrieving the Azure Container Registry ID"
    $containerRegistry = az acr show --name $acrname --output json | ConvertFrom-Json
    $acrid = $
    Write-Host "Azure Container Registry ID: ${acrid}"
    # Step 3: Assign the AcrPull role to the managed identity on the ACR
    Write-Host "`n`nAssigning AcrPull role to the managed identity on the container registry."
    $role = az role assignment create --assignee $principalId --role "AcrPull" --scope $acrid --output json | ConvertFrom-Json
    # Step 4: Create a Log Analytics workspace
    Write-Host "`n`nCreating a Log Analytics workspace named '${workspaceName}'"
    $logAnalyticsWorkspace = az monitor log-analytics workspace create `
                                --resource-group $rgname `
                                --workspace-name $workspaceName `
                                --location $location `
                                --output json | ConvertFrom-Json
    $workspaceId = $logAnalyticsWorkspace.customerId
    Write-Host "Log Analytics workspace created with id ${workspaceId}"
    # Step 5: Get Log Analytics workspace keys
    Write-Host "`n`nGet log analytics workspace keys"
    $workspaceKeys = az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys `
                             --resource-group $rgname `
                             --workspace-name $workspaceName `
                             --output json | ConvertFrom-Json
    $workspaceKey = $workspaceKeys.primarySharedKey
    # Step 6: Create Azure Container Instance
    Write-Host "`n`nCreating Azure Container Instance"
    $container = az container create --resource-group $rgname `
                                    --name $containerInstanceName `
                                    --image "${acrname}${imagename}:latest" `
                                    --cpu 0.5 `
                                    --memory 0.5 `
                                    --ports 8080 `
                                    --dns-name-label $containerInstanceName `
                                    --assign-identity $identityId `
                                    --acr-identity $identityId `
                                    --log-analytics-workspace $workspaceId `
                                    --log-analytics-workspace-key $workspaceKey `
                                    --environment-variables AZURE_CLIENT_ID=$clientId `
                                    --output json | ConvertFrom-Json
    $containerId = $
    $hostName = $container.ipAddress.fqdn
    # Final Output
    Write-Host "`n`nCloudDebugger container image deployed to Azure Container Instance." -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "Hostname: http://${hostName}:8080" -ForegroundColor Green

    Hope that helps.