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Regex for Password with repetitive pattern

I have a requirement for password with below requirements, out of which all fulfilled, except repeated words/patterns.

  • At least 1 digit
  • At least 1 upper case
  • At least 1 lower case
  • At least 1 special character
  • No repeating chars (AA not valid, 11 not valid)
  • No repeating words or pattern (ProPersonPro or xyzxyz) - Unable to implement (within same regex)

This is my Regex which fulfills everything but last (repeating pattern) requirement.


Is there a way I can tackle it within above Regex?


  • Assuming your password should not match spaces, you can use \S to match non whitespace characters instead of using a dot.


    The pattern matches:

    • ^ Start of string
    • (?=[^\d\s]*\d) Assert a digit to the right using a negated character class to match optional non whitespace charaters excluding a digit first
    • (?=[^\sa-z]*[a-z]) Same mechanism for a char a-z
    • (?=[^\sA-Z]*[A-Z]) Same for a char A-Z
    • (?=[^\s.,!@#$%^+=_]*[.,!@#$%^+=_]) As well as for a character that you consider special
    • (?!\S*(\S)\1) Assert that there is no occurrence of 2 consecutive same non whitespace characters to the right
    • (?!\S*(\S{2})\S*\2) Assert that there is no sequence of 2 of the same non whitespace characters (separated by optional non whitespace characters in between) to the right
    • \S{8,20}
    • $ End of string

    See a regex demo