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Gradient for array elements being more than one element apart

Is it possible to take the gradient between two points that are more than one element apart?

A simple array:

f = np.array([4,5,8,1,5,3,2,5])

I want to program the following:

  • At boundaries: One-sides as used by np.gradient

  • Values next to boundary values: Central differences as used by np.gradient for interior points

  • For the interior points


The resulting arry:

f_res = np.array([1,2,0.25,-0.5,-1.5,1,1,3])

Documentation for np.gradient: numpy.gradient


  • You could easily compute this manually:

    N = 2
    out = np.gradient(f)
    out[N:-N] = (f[2*N:]-f[:-2*N])/4


    array([ 1.  ,  2.  ,  0.25, -0.5 , -1.5 ,  1.  ,  1.  ,  3.  ])