I'm trying to pull similarly named items out of a list based on a shared string pattern for instance
> df1<- data.frame(1:5)
> df2 <-data.frame(11:15)
> df3 <-data.frame(26:30)
> df4 <- data.frame (36:40)
> lst<- list(
+ abc.1 = df1,
+ abc.2 =df2,
+ cat = df3,
+ husky =df4)
> print(lst)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
1 26
2 27
3 28
4 29
5 30
1 36
2 37
3 38
4 39
5 40
I'd like to use something similar to stringr::str_detect to pull the two list with 'abc' in the name, and omit the others.
Edited for formatting
Use startsWith
. Uses base R:
lst[startsWith(names(lst), "abc")]
subset(lst, startsWith(names(lst), "abc"))
We can also combine it with keep_at
in purrr:
lst %>% keep_at(~ startsWith(.x, "abc"))