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Create a nested (2 level) map in Terraform output

I have a Terraform module that create EC2 instances "for me" grouped by "cluster" with the following output (here in a cluster_module_output local for easy debug/testing):

locals {
  cluster_module_output = {
    # API cluster on eu-west-1a:
    some_unique_index_1 = {
      cluster_az_name = "eu-west-1a"
      cluster_name = "api"
      instance_names = [
      instances_ids = […]
    # Web cluster on eu-west-1a:
    some_unique_index_2 = {
      cluster_az_name = "eu-west-1a"
      cluster_name = "web"
      instance_names = [
      instances_ids = […]
    # API cluster on eu-west-1b:
    some_unique_index_3 = {
      cluster_az_name = "eu-west-1b"
      cluster_name = "api"
      instance_names = [
      instances_ids = […]

In my Terraform root module I would like to output various informations, such as:

  • All instances names (no matter the cluster)
  • All instances names, grouped by cluster and by AZ

For the former (raw list of instances), I can do:

output "instances_names" {
  value = flatten([for cluster in local.cluster_module_output : cluster.instance_names])

Which gives:

instances_names = [

But for the latter (instances grouped by cluster and by AZ) I fail to find an expression.

Desired output:

instances_names_by_cluster = {
  "api" = {
    "eu-west-1a" = [
    "eu-west-1b" = [
  "web" = {
    "eu-west-1a" = [

My failing attempts are:

output "attempt1" {
  value = tomap({
    for item in (
        for cluster in local.cluster_module_output : {
          cluster_name = cluster.cluster_name
          cluster_az = cluster.cluster_az_name
          instance_ids = cluster.instances_ids
    ) : item.cluster_name => {
      (item.cluster_az) = item.instance_ids

Fails with:

Error: Duplicate object key:

Two different items produced the key "api" in this 'for' expression. If duplicates are expected, use the ellipsis (...) after the value expression to enable grouping by key

Obviously I need a way to merge first-level elements in the loop.

Adding the ellipsis (...) like advised:

output "attempt2" {
  value = tomap({
    for item in (
        for cluster in local.cluster_module_output : {
          cluster_name = cluster.cluster_name
          cluster_az = cluster.cluster_az_name
          instance_ids = cluster.instances_ids
    ) : item.cluster_name => {
      (item.cluster_az) = item.instance_ids
    }... # ellipsis added here

Raises no more error but don't have the desired output:

attempt2 = {
  "api" = [
      eu-west-1a = [
      eu-west-1b = [
  "web" = [
      eu-west-1a = [

How can I do this? Do I have to use intermediate locals?


  • Your last attempt is very close: you only need to merge a list of objects into a single object. merge does exactly that. You have a list of values, merge expects separate arguments, so splat comes to rescue.

    However, you can also get rid of that convoluted flatten:

    desired_output = {
        for k, v in {
            for item in values(local.cluster_module_output):
            # Group by cluster_name
            item.cluster_name => {
                (item.cluster_az_name): item.instance_names
        }: k => merge(v...)

    Note: this expects that (cluster_name, cluster_az_name) pairs are unique in your input - there should be no values with both components equal.